The Phi Lambda Sigma Upsilon Chapter is dedicated to encouraging and building professionalism within the University of Houston College of Pharmacy. Unique and special workshops are developed with the college in mind to assist students' journey into the professional world of pharmacy. Workshops are continually changing and improving every year and often feature special guest speakers from the field of pharmacy. Below highlights our frequent workshops.

Personal Branding Series

Curriculum vitae & Linkedin workshop

Special guest speakers are brought in to provide tips for students creating a curriculum vitae (CV) and LinkedIn profile. Topics covered are what sections to include, how to properly format, what residency program directors look for in a CV, and more.

Mock interviews and CURRICULUM Vitae review

We are fortunate to have help from UHCOP clinical faculty and a variety of pharmacists from the Houston community to help conduct mock interviews. Students can prepare for any upcoming interviews and have their CV review with one-on-one feedback from experienced pharmacist.

professional HEADSHOTS

A professional image is key to building your own personal brand. We offered professional headshots for UHCOP students. For only $5, students could get hair, make-up, and a professional touched photo.

Public Speaking Series

Public speaking is a vital component of leadership and a necessary skill to have as students enter the pharmacy professional field. These workshops aim to improve students’ public speaking skills and provide a constructive environment to assist students in facing the fear of public speaking. 

Persuasion Workshop

Whether in an interview, presentation, or speaking to a patient, persuasion is a skill students must utilize as a student leader and a pharmacist.

Elevator Pitch workshop

An encounter with a pharmacist or resident can happen at any time. This workshop gives techniques to define students' elevator pitch so they can be prepared at any moment.

CANDIDACY workshop

Tips, tricks, and constructive feedback to aid students improve their interview and speech skills as they prepare to apply for internships, leadership positions, and more.

And More...

Resilience & Grit Workshop

In 2018, we hosted a brand new workshop to talk about the resilience and grit required for pharmacy school and your future career. Because we don’t win every Election. We don’t nail every interview. And we don’t always get that internship we wanted. So, what do we do when our plans don’t always work out as we wanted them to? We feature a presentation and activities to help guide you from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

Etiquette Dinner

Many interviews, introductions, and meetings may take place over a meal. This dinner stimulates of how a real business dinner is conducted and teaches proper meal etiquette. 

Financing your future

In efforts to promote financial awareness post-graduation, special guest speakers impart the importance of financial planning beginning in pharmacy school and how to use your finances wisely post-graduation.